Poll Everywhere for Windows releases (EU)

A detailed history of all app changes and dates they were released

We are constantly improving our apps with frequent releases, and we encourage you to stay up to date for the best performance. Our apps will update automatically by default, and you can find information about each release here.


Download | Released April 4, 2024


Download | Released January 18, 2024

  • Fix issue where activities would occasionally fail to activate when presented in PowerPoint.


Download not available | Released October 31, 2023

  • Electron 17.1.2 security vulnerabilities resolved by replacing the core rendering engine (Electron) with WebView2
  • Fix issue where users would be unable to log into the plugin on a shared computer after another Windows user had logged in
  • Add ability to display live activities when screen sharing the PowerPoint window in remote meeting apps such as Zoom or Webex
  • Improve overall app performance (Slide insert, activation, sync)
  • Remove “Insert Web Video” functionality as this can be achieved via out-of-the-box PowerPoint
  • Remove “Insert Web Page” functionality


Download not available | Released August 3, 2023

  • Fix activities not scaling properly (Electron 17.1.2)
  • Additional notes:
    • This release addresses a scaling issue where activities would bleed off the screen or not be positioned correctly.
    • The scaling bug in the previous release (3.0.8) was due to a bug introduced in Electron 18 that is not resolved in the most recent releases of Electron.
    • The main fix in this release to address the scaling issue is a downgrade back to Electron 17.1.2. Like all software, there is some risk in using older versions.
    • We’re working to get this issue prioritized and resolved in mainline Electron and will resume using the latest version once it’s fixed.