Lead Engaging Employee Trainings

Improve comprehension and retention during live trainings.

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Build momentum before the session

Share a Survey to gather questions and suggestions in advance of the meeting.

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Maintain the energy in the room

Embed lively, engaging activities directly into your slide deck to spark discussions.

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Reveal actionable insights

Walk away from the session with learnings, action items, and follow-up conversations.

Get their attention

Maintaining your team's focus in a Learning & Development training can be challenging. While product education, team alignment, and skill-building are important, they’re not necessarily thrilling — especially when led remotely.

Poll Everywhere lets you read the room even when cameras are off by including interactive questions in your slideware presentations. Now, instead of checking emails or texts, your team can use their devices to participate in the meeting and contribute key feedback that drives strategic decision-making.

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Measure active learning

Ensure that everyone joining the training is in the right place by registering participants in advance. Then, track attendance and gauge comprehension with graded activities throughout your presentation.

After the session, run detailed reports to see not only who participated, but how actively engaged they were with the material. You'll identify opportunity areas to continue improving your training curriculum over time.

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Turn L&D Trainings into Impactful Conversations

Explore helpful resources to set up for success before your next training.