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Engaging attendees in training sessions

adults sitting in classroom
Use case
Corporate learning & development

"The audience really enjoyed seeing their responses appear live. Poll Everywhere is easy to use and the visualization is exciting."

Sergio Saenz, Coach at Empower You Coaching Group, turns online trainings and webinars into interactive conversations with his audience using Poll Everywhere activities.


Staying connected at a distance

Coaching both individuals and teams, Sergio specializes in engaging presentations with live audience feedback. Poll Everywhere first caught his eye about a year ago at an in-person seminar. Since then, he’s incorporated it into his own training sessions, especially as they moved to a completely virtual environment. “Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Poll Everywhere has become even more useful. I like that I can ask my audience questions and then instantly show the results.”

Sergio starts off his sessions with a word cloud activity to check in with his audience and ask how they’re feeling. “If one emotion becomes the largest, we can discuss ways to manage it as a group because it reflects how most of the audience responded.”

Then, throughout the rest of his presentation, Sergio includes multiple choice questions to make sure attendees are understanding the material.

As he continues to host more virtual trainings, Sergio is looking into using Poll Everywhere to get a quick pulse of the room as well as to collect long-term feedback through satisfaction surveys. “I want to check in with participants more so I can make my sessions more interactive.”

Poll Everywhere for learning and development

Turn your next online training session into a dynamic conversation.