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Engaging millions of teams worldwide
Over 75% of the Fortune 500 and 400,00+ educators have trusted Poll Everywhere to facilitate impactful discussions.
Engage Your Audience
Engage Your Audience
Improve your interactions in the classroom or meeting room with a suite of tools like online polling, surveys, Q&As, word clouds, and more.
Actionable team insights
Visualize employee feedback in real time with a variety of shared activities — then measure engagement, follow up on feedback, and uncover next steps.
Productivity at scale
Live engagement for more engaged meetings, classrooms, and trainings. Plus feedback and reporting help you collect feedback at any scale. All content is organized within fully customizable Folders.
World-Class security
We're proud to back our security practices with ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certifications and SOC 2 Type 2 compliance.
Works seamlessly with the tools you're already using
Embed and present directly within slideware, team communication, and more.