Training leaders to break through gridlock

Poll Everywhere powers a workshop that teaches leaders and students to transform difficult conversations into movements

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Breaking Through Gridlock book

Training leaders to break through gridlock


The conversations that matter are rarely easy

Cesar Chavez said movements happen one conversation at a time. Gabriel Grant and Jason Jay are working to help leaders and students transform their most difficult, polarizing conversations into one-on-one opportunities for change. They’re using this workshop to move the sustainability conversation forward at corporations, universities, and community centers everywhere.

Jason addressing an errant remark in front of a poll visual

Guiding a group through personal reflection

In order to change the way people converse, Grant and Jay ask everyone to focus on one of their past, failed conversations throughout the workshop.

Open-ended questions conducted anonymously through Poll Everywhere provide a safe space to discuss everyone’s most problematic conversation.

Everyone stays on track because Grant and Jay can directly address responses that are veering off-course.

People own their commitments to change, because they see them appear in print on-screen alongside everyone else’s.

Gabriel Grant headshot
With Poll Everywhere we can tell where people are getting lost, and speak to each of those people within the process. We don’t leave anybody behind.

Gabriel Grant


Conduct your own Breaking Through Gridlock workshop

Tools and resources you can use to train community leaders, organizational leaders, and promising students

Breaking Through Gridlock book

Read the book

Breaking Through Gridlock offers a step-by-step guide to transforming one-on-one conversations. Use it alone, or with a group.

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Live audience feedback session

Work with BTG

Contact Grant and Jay to find help for a Breaking Through Gridlock training at your organization. Conduct it yourself, or let the BTG team lead it.

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Presenting a Q&A

Incorporate Poll Everywhere

Anonymous Poll Everywhere questions are the centerpiece of effective, guided reflection. It’s step one in helping people identify their roadblocks and move toward success.

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The perfect balance: anonymity and openness

Anonymous Poll Everywhere questions let everyone speak honestly from the comfort of their own devices. Even though responses are anonymous, they appear on-screen in front of the whole group. That helps everyone see that they aren’t alone in their problems, and encourages them to speak up and get the coaching they need.

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Over 75% of the Fortune 500 trust Poll Everywhere

We also help over 300,000 educators facilitate tough discussions in classrooms worldwide

Use Poll Everywhere for guided group reflection

Keep workshops productive and on track with live, anonymous questions

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