Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint

Download for Windows PollEverywhere in Powerpoint on laptop

Poll Everywhere for enterprise

Set up for success

Poll Everywhere for Powerpoint requires Windows 10.

Find out the minimum hardware, software, and device requirements for optimal app performance.

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Rocket lauching

Engage participants

Ask interactive questions that spark impactful discussions. Choose from a variety of activity types, insert them seamlessly into your decks, and watch results come in live on the screen — all without leaving Powerpoint.

Get the app
People standing around a presentation screen

We work where you work

Download Poll Everywhere on your devices to get the complete, interactive experience for both presenters and participants.

Key resources

Find out what’s new by keeping up with the latest Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint releases.

View release notes

Access comprehensive articles, guides, and personalized help for your most engaging presentation yet.

Visit the support center

Learn everything you need to know about our app support policy.

View the sunset fact sheet

Start a conversation

Power online meetings and trainings with Poll Everywhere.