Involve the audience in your presentation

Present activities, then collect responses via mobile web, SMS, or the Poll Everywhere mobile app.

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Person responding to a Poll Everywhere poll with text polling

Poll Everywhere is a flexible audience response system

Increase engagement during presentations by letting your audience respond their way. With the option to respond via SMS texting, mobile web, or the Poll Everywhere app, audiences can respond from their own devices in the way they feel most comfortable, resulting in actionable feedback from as many people as possible. Another perk of text polling? You can collect responses even when WiFi connectivity is subpar.

Try text polling in your next presentation

Create your Poll Everywhere account today and get instant audience feedback the next time you present!

Get started
Add activities to your presentations

Add activities to your presentations

Choose from a variety of activities, like multiple choice and word cloud, and present them from the web or include them in your presentation slides. Each activity type helps you collect a different kind of feedback.

Collect feedback from the audience

Collect feedback from the audience

Using their mobile devices, the audience responds to your activities via SMS text messaging, mobile web, or the Poll Everywhere app. Watch as responses appear on the presentation screen.

Use responses to drive decisions

Use responses to drive decisions

Live audience responses help you gauge comprehension or gather consensus, then adjust your presentation accordingly. End your presentation with an open-ended activity to collect feedback for next time.