Poll Everywhere for Windows releases

A detailed history of all app changes and dates they were released

We are constantly improving our apps with frequent releases, and we encourage you to stay up to date for the best performance. Our apps will update automatically by default, and you can find information about each release here.


Download | Released April 4, 2024 | Technical support link


Download | Released January 18, 2024 | Technical support link

  • Fix issue where activities would occasionally fail to activate when presented in PowerPoint.


Download not available | Released October 31, 2023 | Technical support link

  • Electron 17.1.2 security vulnerabilities resolved by replacing the core rendering engine (Electron) with WebView2
  • Fix issue where users would be unable to log into the plugin on a shared computer after another Windows user had logged in
  • Add ability to display live activities when screen sharing the PowerPoint window in remote meeting apps such as Zoom or Webex
  • Improve overall app performance (Slide insert, activation, sync)
  • Remove “Insert Web Video” functionality as this can be achieved via out-of-the-box PowerPoint
  • Remove “Insert Web Page” functionality
  • Additional notes:
    • This release cannot be applied as an update within the app. It must be downloaded from the site.


Download not available | Released February 21, 2023 | Technical support link

  • Fix activities not scaling properly (Electron 17.1.2)
  • Additional notes:
    • This release addresses a scaling issue where activities would bleed off the screen or not be positioned correctly.
    • The scaling bug in the previous release (3.0.8) was due to a bug introduced in Electron 18 that is not resolved in the most recent releases of Electron.
    • The main fix in this release to address the scaling issue is a downgrade back to Electron 17.1.2. Like all software, there is some risk in using older versions.
    • We’re working to get this issue prioritized and resolved in mainline Electron and will resume using the latest version once it’s fixed.


Download not available | Released January 4, 2023 | Technical support link

  • Upgrade Electron browser version (Electron 20.2.0)


Download not available | Released March 29, 2022 | Technical support link

  • Upgrade electron browser version (electron 17.1.2)
  • Logged out state is now properly reflected in the ribbon
  • Error handling no longer interrupts presentations


Download not available | Released September 7, 2021 | Technical support link

  • Improved error notifier experience, no more repeated notifications
  • Fix various mac to windows and vice versa bugs


Download not available | Released August 12, 2021 | Technical support link

  • Upgrade electron browser version (electron 9.4.4)
  • Improve electron browser communication security
  • Improve experience when running in virtual environments
  • Resolved issues with the 3.0.3 release


Download not available | Released August 5, 2021 | Technical support link

  • Temporary rollback of 3.0.3 changes
  • Fix slide insertion issues
  • Fix presentation display issues


Download not available | Released July 26, 2021 | Technical support link

  • Upgrade electron browser version (electron 9.4.4)
  • Improve electron browser communication security
  • Improve experience when running in virtual environments


Download not available | Released March 5, 2021 | Technical support link

  • Fix for “Poll Everywhere cannot communicate with our browser process.” error


Download not available | Released September 22, 2020 | Technical support link

  • Fix ASAR issue related to FIPS Algorithm Group Policy being enabled.
  • Fix intermittent display issue where certain DPIs would not show activities during presentation.


Download not available | Released September 8, 2020 | Technical support link

  • Replace core rendering engine
  • Improve browser security


Download not available | Released August 17, 2020 | Technical support link

  • Expands use of Electron browser container. Opt out avaliable.


Download not available | Released June 30, 2020 | Technical support link

  • Fix issue with updating from v2.15.0-1


Download not available | Released June 29, 2020 | Technical support link

  • Enable edit ribbon button for surveys
  • Better error handling and crash reporting


Download not available | Released April 14, 2020 | Technical support link

  • Reduces the chance McAfee antivirus false positive
  • Rephrases auto update setting in About dialog
  • Adds auto update support article link in About dialog
  • Shows update button on the ribbon always
  • Prevents insert in different PowerPoint read-only modes
  • Reduces chance of crash from trying to access PowerPoint information in protected contexts
  • Enhances the rendering engine


Download not available | Released Feb 12, 2020 | Technical support link

  • Fixes missing presenter view previews after showing a Poll Everywhere slide
  • Fixes issue with the system proxy server address
  • Improves how proxy data is stored
  • Shows Poll Everywhere slide on the next slide component in presenter view
  • Smooths the transition between placeholder image and live chart in presentation mode
  • Show error during presentation when a url is removed from slide notes on an activity slide
  • Fix for ribbon error on controls update
  • Fix for file explorer presentation preview error
  • Fix crash when using high resolution (4K) displays
  • Added preventative check for overusing network resources


Download not available | Released Jan 27, 2020 | Technical support link

  • Adds the ability to choose certificates during the Single Sign On flow
  • Log certificate errors when they occur during navigation


Download not available | Released Dec 26, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Fixes issue where animations can’t be added to the deck while the add-in is active.
  • Does not shrink placeholders if running side-by-side with the Panopto screen recorder.


Download not available | Released Nov 18, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Fix false install failure when Office 2019/O365 could not be detected (validator_16)
  • Fix issue where our addin could not be loaded (aka “the Bob Build”)
  • Add additional messaging for Validator descriptions and Ribbon load problems


Download not available | Released Nov 5, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Fix Addin’s top unhandled errors.


Download not available | Released Octobert 17, 2019 | Technical support link

  • New feature: Clear Results
  • New feature: Open troubleshoot and contact support on install failure
  • Adds logging information sooner in our Application
  • Catches additional error information inside of Validator.exe
  • Made improvements to our Installer Custom Action
  • Removes Sharpbrake support
  • Adds Rollbar support
  • Fixes issue with proxy-server settings
  • Referencing the included office.dll instead of GAC
  • Notes parsing for activity url is more strict
  • Adds additional information for webpage load errors
  • Enhance modal notifications for beta.polleverywhere.com
  • Install MSI failures now show in the Validator
  • Fix for multi monitor dpi scaling
  • Remove required install of Visual Studio 2015 Redistributables


Download not available | Released August 15, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Fixes issue with some ribbon icons not showing at certain resolutions


Download not available | Released July 22, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Adds Clean Cache option to the Settings menu
  • Fixes misc bugs


Download not available | Released June 7, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Fixes recent activity scaling issue on Windows 10


Download not available | Released June 3, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Adds Profile menu option under the Settings ribbon button
  • Expand window size to 1024 x 768
  • Update URL shown in control bar upon navigation in a web content slide


Download not available | Released April 4, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Updates the browser container to CefSharp version 71.0.2 for a critical security fix.
  • Adds Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable as a dependency.
  • Adds .NET 4.5.2 as an installer dependency.
  • Directs users to installer instructions if unable to run installer as an admin Learn More


Download not available | Released March 13, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Adds a contact support button to the PowerPoint ribbon. User has opt-in option to send their client logs to Customer Support
  • Adds a help button in the PowerPoint ribbon that opens up the Poll Everywhere support documentation
  • Moves Network Settings and About ribbon options under a Settings menu
  • Adds ability for IT departments to disable web content on slides. Learn more
  • Adds url security feature for inserting a video or website into presentation slides. Learn more


Download not available | Released February 7, 2019 | Technical support link

  • Insert a video into a presentation side by side with activities
  • Insert a web page by URL and present it
  • Insert How to join instructions to help teach participants
  • Support resizing of activity create and manage windows
  • Fix cases when windows are set to small sizes


Download not available | Released December 19, 2018 | Technical support link

  • Support sync current and sync all placeholders
  • Fix slides not presenting with capital letters in URL


Download not available | Released August 30, 2018 | Technical support link

  • Competitions are now supported!
  • Keep Poll Everywhere slides up to date with the new Sync ribbon button
  • All activity types can now be inserted with the Insert ribbon button


Download not available | Released April 30, 2018 | Technical support link

  • Only displays protected view notification for presentations containing PE activities
  • Updated activity activation


Download not available | Released March 26, 2018 | Technical support link

  • Enables editing poll slides from PowerPoint
  • Adds high resolution aware icons
  • Fixes poll placement and display issues introduced by the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update


Download not available | Released March 15, 2018 | Technical support link

  • Fixes certificate errors upon install


Download not available | Released January 16, 2018 | Technical support link

  • Repair from Control Panel now cleans user config files
  • Prevent closing of the update dialog from starting the update
  • Correctly handle answers including a comma when converting to poll
  • Fix a crash during update on machines with .NET 4.0
  • Prevent login prompt on first launch when installed for everyone


Download not available | Released October 11, 2017 | Technical support link

  • Fix DPI Issues across multiple versions of Windows and Office
  • Fix Mac to Windows DPI issues


Download not available | Released Septemeber 11, 2017 | Technical support link

  • Show username in the ribbon
  • Show login modal on first launch
  • Show login modal in presentation mode aggressively
  • Tweaks PAC proxy configuration
  • Adds ReadOnly warning message registry key override


Download not available | Released May 3, 2017 | Technical support link

  • Fix AutoUpdate for per user installs


Download not available | Released April 24, 2017 | Technical support link

  • Fix broken build for Office 2010 and Office 2007


Download not available | Released March 20, 2017 | Technical support link

  • Rebrand the app
  • Fix disabled convert to slide state
  • Disable automatic updates for admin installs


Download not available | Released December 8, 2016 | Technical support link

  • Add-in now inserts shareable placeholders
  • Update browser container to CefSharp version 49
  • A fix attempt for Win 10 DPI issues
  • Update the static placeholders that would be inserted if a shareable placeholder can’t
  • Some more protection against slide cache edge cases


Download not available | Released November 3, 2016 | Technical support link

  • Insert screenshots of your polls
  • Misc bug fixes


Download not available | Released September 6, 2016 | Technical support link

  • Fix for more mac-to-win issues. Underlying issue was our interaction with slide notes.
  • Option to toggle showing Read-only and Marked As Final warning messages
  • Placeholder “recovery”: Increase height of placeholder if we detect ones at zero height
  • Fix slide caching logic


Download not available | Released July 25, 2016 | Technical support link

  • Insert and present activated surveys in PowerPoint
  • Updated PowerPoint ribbon UI
  • New and insert toggle buttons with submenus
  • Preview and Edit polls in the presenter window
  • User notifications for read-only and protected view files
  • Convert Turningpoint poll slides to Poll Everywhere poll slides
  • Mac presenter inserted poll slides are presentable from win presenter


Download not available | Released June 8, 2016 | Technical support link

  • Fix focus issue introduced with chromium update


Download not available | Released May 8, 2016 | Technical support link

  • Update chromium from v37 to v43


Download not available | Released Jan 25, 2016 | Technical support link

  • Convert template slide to poll
  • Fix proxy settings saving between powerpoint restarts
  • Support presenter view swap display function
  • Saml SSO integration


Download not available | Released October 9, 2015 | Technical support link

  • Only delete user.config when its size is zero or the xml is malformed


Download not available | Released June 29, 2015 | Technical support link

  • New unified login (ie. mobile login screen) added to viz
  • Better login warnings and experience in Windows Powerpoint
  • Connection error messages turned back on
  • Admin credentials only required when a dependency is missing
  • Fix pesky corrupted user.config files
  • More logs added to installation process
  • Visual Studio 2013 is no longer an installation requirement.
  • User is not required to be logged in to automatically sent logs to uservoice


Download not available | Released April 30, 2015 | Technical support link

  • Web app window for browser/web experiences in addin
  • Unified poll selecting and inserting of polls
  • Unified login and account creation
  • Fix remote control debug window visibility


Download not available | Released April 8, 2015 | Technical support link

  • Fix error message placement for failed restart
  • Liveslide tooltip
  • Fix bad z-order of liveslides window
  • Fix for timed slides (kiosk-mode)
  • Debugging mode for staging


Download not available | Released January 22, 2015 | Technical support link

  • Mobile Remote control
  • Liveslides


Download not available | Released December 1, 2014 | Technical support link

  • There is only one version of the MSI for all architectures
  • It is dual mode and can be installed as per-user or as local machine
  • There is a special registry key HKLM/Poll Everywhere/DisableUpdate


Download not available | Released November 11, 2014 | Technical support link

  • Fix indexing in PowerPoint custom slide shows
  • Fix animations failure two slides before and after a poll slide
  • Small changes to MSI wrapper


Download not available | Released October 9, 2014 | Technical support link

  • Semantic versioning
  • Automatic log sending
  • Disable windows crash report
  • Fault recovery from crashing process, faulting named pipe, and browser errors
  • Custom errror messages
  • Fix for proxy manual settings incorrectly passed across app domain

Latest versions of Poll Everywhere

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